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These are the forms in the CERT manuals


1) Incident/Assignment Tracking Log

    Used by the Command Post for keeping abreast of situation status; contains essential information for tracking the overall situation


2) Briefing Assignment

    Used by the Command Post to provide instructions to functional teams; used by teams to log their actions and report new damage assessment information


3) Communications Log
    Completed by the radio operator; used to log incoming and outgoing transmissions


4) Damage Assessment
    Completed by CERT members as they travel through the area to the CERT staging location, then given to the CERT IC/TL; provides a summary of overall hazards in selected areas, including:

  • Fires

  • Utility hazards

  • Structural damage

  • Injuries and casualties

  • Available access

Essential for prioritizing and formulating action plans


5) Equipment Inventory
    Used to check out and check in CERT-managed equipment


6) General Message
    Used for sending messages between command levels and groups; messages should be clear and concise and should focus on such key issues as:

  • Assignment completion

  • Additional resources required

  • Special information

  • Status update


7) ICS 214

    Activity Log


8) Personnel Resources
    Used to sign in CERT members as they arrive at the staging location; provides information about:

  • Who is on site

  • When they arrived

  • When they were assigned

  • Their special skills

Used by staging personnel to track personnel availability


9) Victim Treatment Area Record
    Completed by medical treatment area personnel to record victims entering the treatment area, their condition, and their status



  Middle Tennessee Emergency Amateur Repeater System, Repeater Locations and Links as of 20 March 2014

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